Due to the fact that workshops do not receive sufficient participant numbers, they have been canceled. If you have already paid, full refunds of workshop fees will be provided. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Identification of water and gas hazards in petroleum, coal, copper and salt mines with the aid of isotope methods (1 day)
Facilitated by: Department of Environmental Analysis, Geological Mapping and Economic Geology, Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection and Department of Applied Nuclear Physics, Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, AGH University of Science and Technology
Gaseous hazards: Gaseous hazards in coal and copper mines from isotope perspective – introduction; Tracing the origin and migration of gases (hydrocarbons, hydrogen sulphide, carbon dioxide, molecular nitrogen) in the context of exploration and mining operations - selected examples; Analytical aspects of isotope and trace gas measurements - laboratory tour.
Water hazards: Water hazards in coal, copper and salt mines from isotope perspective – introduction; Origin of water inflows to mines traced by isotope methods - selected examples; Analytical aspects of isotope measurements - laboratory tour.
PRICE: 180 EURO/person (including lunch)
Price for Polish participants: 760 PLN (including lunch and VAT)
Participants: min. 10, max. 15
2-3D computer based mineral deposit models (2 days)
Facilitated by: Department of Deposit and Mining Geology, Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection, AGH University of Science and Technology
with cooperation of Sygnity (www.sygnity.pl)
Workshop participants will absorb two days training program, allowing them to gain understanding and practical touch and feel on the general topic of creating and using a 3D computer based models of geological deposits of various nature. Both structure and quality side of the modeling will be presented and practically applied in form of training sessions, utilizing ABB-MineScape software and expertise of consultants from AGH University of Science and Technology and Sygnity JSC.
Stratigraphic Modeling: Data sources and data processing methods applied in modeling of sedimentary nature deposits; Stratigraphic modeling rules and techniques applied in seam structure manipulation within the model (including seam faulting); Optionally as time allows - quality data compositing and quality layout modeling in seam-like structures (quality peels model).
Block Modeling: Concepts and techniques utilized in modeling of orebody boundaries and ore quality layouts; Block model creation, interpolation of quality and lithology parameters within irregular orebodies and quasi-seam structures.
PRICE: 400 EURO/person (including lunches)
Price for Polish participants: 1680 PLN (including lunches and VAT)
Participants: min. 10, max. 12
Applications of borehole geophysics to the advancement of discovering and producing commercial hydrocarbons (1 day)
Facilitated by: Max Solutions Sp. z o.o., Krakow and Department of Fossil Fuels, Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection, AGH University of Science and Technology
Case studies will be presented during this workshop to help emphasize the value of borehole geophysics in Oil and Gas exploration and exploitation. Wellbore seismic methods are considered under-utilized by many professionals in the industry as a key element for the integration of various types of data to solve complex geologic issues. There are many ways to apply seismic data recorded from a geophone array deployed in a well:
• Zero Offset VSP (Vertical Seismic Profile),
• Walk-away VSP,
• 3D and 4D VSPs,
• Microseismic Monitoring,
• Salt Proximity Surveys,
• Passive Seismic Monitoring.
Suggested acquisition and processing techniques will also be discussed in the workshop, which will help in understanding the scope of successful Borehole Seismic Surveys. It should be understood that Vertical Receiver Arrays (or subsurface horizontal arrays) have significant advantage over surface seismic methods in many ways; (1) Thickness Resolution, (2) Steep-dip Imaging, (3) One-way Seismic Travel Time and (4) Identification of more Microseismic events and significant improvement in location accuracy.
The Workshop format is designed for experienced as well as un-experienced Geophysicists, Geologists, and Engineers. Advanced students with Geology and Geophysics curriculums should also strongly consider attending.
PRICE: 180 EURO/person (including lunch)
Price for Polish participants: 760 PLN (including lunch and VAT)
Participants: min. 10, max. 12
Application of hydrous pyrolysis experiments and stable isotope methods for petroleum exploration (1 day)
Facilitated by: Department of Environmental Analysis, Geological Mapping and Economic Geology, Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection, AGH University of Science and Technology
Sophisticated hydrous pyrolysis (HP) experimental method: comparison of closed pyrolysis (HP) system with open pyrolysis (Rock-Eval) system. HP for evaluation: hydrocarbon potential of source rock, determination of kinetic parameters for simulation of hydrocarbon generation from sapropelic (type II kerogen) and humic (kerogen III kerogen) organic matter. Application of HP data for petroleum system. Presentation of HP experiments - laboratory tour.
Origin and migration pathways of hydrocarbon and non-hydrocarbon components of natural gas based on molecular and stable isotope compositions (
12,13C in CH
4, C
6, C
8, i-C
10, n-C
10, i-C
12, n-C
12 and CO
1,2H in CH
4, C
6, C
14,15N in N
2 and
34,32S in H
2S). Origin, migration and biodegradation of oil based on stable carbon isotope (
12,13C) composition in oil, their fractions (saturates, aromatics, resins and asphaltenes) and comparison with stable carbon isotope composition in bitumen, their fractions and kerogen. Presentation of stable carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen isotope analyses - laboratory tour.
PRICE: 180 EURO/person (including lunch)
Price for Polish participants: 760 PLN (including lunch and VAT)
Participants: min. 10, max. 12