Bochum University of Applied Sciences, Ruhr-University Bochum, International Geothermal Centre (GZB)
Research focus: Drilling Technologies, Geothermal Energy Systems
Talk title: From Coal Mining to Heat Mining - Perspectives of value creation for the most venerable European industry
Prof. Dr. Mihaly Dobroka
University of Miskolc
Research focus: Geophysical inversion methods and their application in seismic, geoelectric and borehole geophysical fields
Talk title: Method developments in Geophysical Inversion
Prof. Dr. Bernd Lehmann
Technical University of Clausthal
Research focus: Global chemical fractionation trends and processes; Felsic magmatism and associated ore deposits;
Melt-inclusion geochemistry and microanalytical techniques;
Epithermal to porphyry ore deposits;
Alkaline magmatism and associated mineralization
Talk title: Metallogeny of tin - revisited
Prof. Dr. Ralf Littke
RWTH Aachen University
Research focus: Dynamics of sedimentary basins;
Generation and storage of natural gas;
Transport and accumulation of petroleum fluids;
Coal geology, petrology and geochemistry; Unconventional fossil fuels
Talk title: Coal-bearing Basins in Germany: Deposition, Temperature History and Natural Gas Generation
Prof. Dr. Hirochika Sumino
University of Tokyo
Research focus: Tracing volatile recycling in the Earth by noble gases and halogens in fumaroles, geothermal fluids, volcanic rocks and mantle peridotites; Geochemistry and Geochronology
Talk title: Noble gas and halogen heterogeneity in the subcontinental lithospheric mantle